Monday, October 26, 2009

First Post

Yay, first post!

Um, trying to get a mystery feel goin on here.
This is just a point light of a very saturated orange...don't worry, its not going to be like this for the final one. Although I do like it. :)

Someone's been caught! Going to put a more harsh shadow for him (papertowelbadboy).
Don't know if I'm going to keep the windows black..

Can anyone explain to me how this could happen? We were doing the proxy settings thing today in class and this is what I saw when I rendered my frame. Help!

More to come. Update on colored kitchen with adjustments SHOULD be up here soon. (should..)

1 comment:

Earguy said...

Belated comment: turned out there was another copy of the front of the cabinet hiding there. Playing along with the Maya instruction in class is a good thing, doing it while having an unrelated scene open you are working on can result in these weird artifacts :)