Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Animations of awesome.

So I checked out the Gobelins School site. Here are some of their other animations I've been looking at. Whether or not you've seen them before...

The Omen -Just fabulous.

Garuda - A boy sees the legendary bird and chases after it.

Wild Casting - Lion on the loose. Enough said.

Supertromp -Indian boy and an elephant that runs on gas.

La Ballade Sauvage -This one is sweet in a good way.

Keep Walking - This one is pretty smart.

Nano - Little mining creatures surprise you.

These students are AMAZING.

There are tons more from this site. Do yourselves a favor and look them over.

I'll post more stuff later when I see it. Oktapodi is great by the way. I died when I saw The Omen.


Back to watching fun things.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

More Kitchen

Here's another one.

Almost forgot! Here's the link for the sketch tutorial for anyone interested. I looked at what other people did with this tutorial and I was really impressed. The effects range from clay to speedpaint to colored pencil. Good stuff.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Textures from the American Museum of Natural History, in the rocks and minerals exhibit.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Procrastination Builds a Nation.

One road. One street

Pebbles and water catching on a rough walkway.

My ever-dying retaining wall.

I know I should have done this a while back. Here are some pictures I took during the rain a month ago. The clouds helped to even out the lighting. Okay, back to work.

Fun with Kitchens!

So I did some stuff with the kitchen. Of course I started playing with edges. I tried using the node editor for every surface. Trying to get inspiration for how to render my final project. I also used a tutorial to make a fancy floor (nothing fancy technically speaking).

The rendering took an unreasonable amount of time. The second above took about 2.5 hours.


I think it was the amount of shaders I had. I'm not really sure. I need to figure a way around that. I'll see if I can do some less intensive renders for later, but alas, my midterm is draws ever closer....so why am I still here?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Give It An Edge.

I tried out a sketch tutorial I found online. It wasn't that difficult. Just using animated deformations to cause the edges to be squiggly. I really should be working on other projects...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kitchen Colored Scene

So... I it seems that I am having trouble with the lighting in my kitchen scene. Actually my whole kitchen scene in general. Here are a few versions that I have found to be rather decent.

This first one is a brighter evening lit scene. a light pattern on the walls, with blue light from the window and orangey light from the hallway.

The second one is the same scene but I moved the lights around a tad. Its darker and colder than the previous scene.

The last one is lit the same as the first but the counter top has a marble-esque feeling to it, but to me it seems to distracting.

Any comments and critiques would be very helpful! See you guys all in class on Monday! ^.^


Textures from scanned fabric scraps.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Dinosaur skull from the American Museum of Natural History.

Inside of Antelope Canyon.

A large stick.