Monday, November 16, 2009

Hairy Sleasel

We got fur to render on Sleasel in class. On the instruction station in the lab this took 12 minutes and 37 seconds :(


Jennifer D. Cram said...

That's actually pretty good. Change the color, get it to lay down a bit, increase the density on the nose and ear-tufts... It might be a nice effect. Could look good in a portfolio?

Rendering the animation like this is entirely out of the question. But if I can get a few images of how I would LIKE it to look rendered and in my portfolio, I think I'd be quite happy. =)

Jennifer D. Cram said...

What was the density/global scale in your render, Wobbe?

Earguy said...

I think I added a 0 to the density, that would make it 300k, right?
I did not actually save the file, but the global scale was either 0.2 or 0.25.

Jennifer D. Cram said...

Excellent, thanks! I'll start doing some tests with those as a starting point.

The fur color can be driven with a color map, correct? I think I'll try to do a separate color map for the fur base, tip, etc - what ever I need. That way, I can get some color variation.

Could I also do a length map this way?

Earguy said...

I think everything can be mapped :)