Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cosmo Bones

Cosmo bones are up.

I got help from this site too. I wonder if anyone will find this helpful. :)

Professor, what did we say we'd use to connect the arm and leg joints to the spine?

1 comment:

Earguy said...

Nice tutorial link!

From the images you posted it seems like your bones chains are not connected to each other. The entire skeleton needs to be one thing, starting somewhere at the pelvis. The leg should be connected to the hip for instance (Know that song: "The head bone connected to the Neck bone"?)

You can connect bones that are already aligned with the Skeleton > Connect Joint (also available as Icon). Bone that are floating can be connected to the main skeleton by adding a bone inbetween, which automcatically happens when you you parent a joint to another joint.