Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hatter Boned...hard

Currently I'm setting up IK and FK controls, so that when clicking on that little box the arm becomes IK yet selecting the joints leaves it FK. I'll have a motion test up tomorrow.


Jennifer D. Cram said...

" that when clicking on that little box the arm becomes IK yet selecting the joints leaves it FK."

Is this what Wobbe was talking about with the blending between IK and FK? Also, is this part of the interface thing your book was talking about?

How would that even work? What would the graph editor look like if you used both IK and FK on a set of joints?

I'm about to start setting up Sleasel's IK. I was going to try to combine my knowledge of Lightwave with the basic robot leg tutorial Wobbe has on his instruction page. But I'm interested in the IK blending... I'll proceed as planned, but save an un-IKed version to play around with on Monday.

Exciting things!

Jennifer D. Cram said...

Actually, I just came across a thread on CGTalk that has some interesting stuff to say about FK/IK blending, including options for its execution:

Check out MDuffy's post.