Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For Inspiration:

I just thought it would be useful to see these. Gobelins, for the most part. Yes, yes they are traditional 2-d animations, but heck, they're better than a lot of the 3-d nonsense out there.

The link for Youtube

The list of the animations:

Monstera Deliciosa - beautiful and clever.

Le lac gele - cool

Fenrir - Fantastic!! -my favorite, style-wise

Dodudindon- Hilariously good-my favorite concept/story

Jelly Sunday - did I watch this yet?...

There are a few animations I recall now that incorporate both, which is cool and I believe you could do later on (or now....maybe) in 3-d.

Apres La Pluie- "After the Rain"

La Main des Maitres- .......actually, this one is mostly 3-D in 2-D's clothing with some stills (which honestly don't convince me, but they work).

There's more out there. Look on the Gobelins site from time to time. Also, Supinfocom and youtube in general are great places to check.

When I can focus better, I'll be sure to keep you all posted (haha pun).

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