So I'm trying to texture some pink onto my dancer's face, mostly the lips and cheeks a little. That's fine. My problem is I keep getting the stupid UV lines on her as you can see and I can't get rid of them. I tried deleting that layer from Photoshop all together, and it's not there when you look at the little sample picture on the right hand side of Maya. Help? No matter how many times I save this or reload the image, I get the same problem when I render. *le sigh*
I can think of no other way for the UV's to show up than the UV's being in one of the images. If you are using one texture map, it has to be in that one. You are saving it as a Targa in source-images?
Try saving the image under a clearly different name and loading that into your file node.
ah that worked! I saved it as a tiff under a different name this time, before I had it as an iff.
Hmm, the UV grid was probably hiding in the Honey Clusters. I mean the Alpha channel.
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