Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sam's animation so far!

Well... I was excited that everything was going smoothly, but of course I've run into a little problem! Sally's feet are no longer attached to her body and all of the keyframes that were set for the feet have now disappeared! So, I am going to delete her from the scene, reload her, and see if the keyframes reappear! I will be in the lab all day today if anyone wants to join me!

1 comment:

Earguy said...

Luckily I just happened to walk in to the lab :)
The problem turned out to be: the bone that was added to each foot to tell that object to use the bones of another object was referencing the wrong object after being loaded into the new scene from the old one. A bug!
Anyhow, the image looks promising and you got Sally to move, she does starts to sneak.