Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kitchen 2.0

Second time around the kitchen scene! I'm a little more content with this one. It feels more realistic, and I was able to get a better understanding of how to use lights to sculpt the range of values in a scene. Hopefully the composition is a little stronger as well - I slightly altered the camera angle.

As I worked, I took shots at various steps. Here's the basic progression:

1 Directional light + background color:

2 Skylight + Window bounce

3. Floor and Ceiling Bounces. Shine added to bottle, globe changed to white.

4. Wall bounces + Effects light on bottle. Adjusted camera. Rotated fan, moved bottle, chairs, changed globe back to grey.

5. Corner fill lights, transparent phongs on bottle and globe. Lots of adjustments to the size, intensity and drop off of these images were made at this point.

Voila! What do you think?


Unknown said...

I like it. however I would do something about that dark corner. Its a bit distracting. Also I would change the camera angle a bit. Focus it a bit more.

Other than that it looks reall nice.

Earguy said...

Great post!
The dark line to the left is a bit distracting indeed, maybe just zoom in a little?
A few more shadows, behind the dustbin for instance (to the right, on the wall), would make the image stronger.