Friday, March 13, 2009

World Build with Lightwave

My sister pointed me to this video:

It is a wee bit lengthy. But the 3D was created with Lightwave.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Drew Tip of The Day

Tip: Holding the ALT or OPTION key while already dragging an object, such as a null or bone will allow you to snap it to the location of another object. I assume this means the origins are snapping, so I would check pivots just in case. I also do not believe it aligns the origin to the snap target, which presents both benefits and drawbacks.

Work fast and prosper.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Painted Animation

Computer animation can be a time consuming endeavor. But it still beats painting every frame by hand! That is what Reza Dolatabadi did for his graduation project:

Via Drawn!