Thursday, November 4, 2010

Final Project "Traum"

These are the sketches for my final project. They part of my short animation which I called "Traum" (Dream). I scanned the pages from my sketchbook.

On the first page are the concept sketches and structure studies for the main tower in which most of the story takes place. The tower is based on "Tatlin's Monument for Third International" which is a Constructivist Architectural monument that was meant to be a symbol for Modernity but it was never built because it wasn't really practical.

On this page I worked out the title sequence, the middle and the end of the animation. I flipped the establishing shot for the first scene and drew the sculpture that will be at the top of the tower. I also roughly sketched the inside view of the tower and other objects that didn't make it in the final storyboard.

This is the storyboard in one page (it's a big image).

Here is the storyboard panel by panel. In case you couldn't understand my handwriting, the story is a dream set in an alternate universe inspired by German Expressionism and Russian Constructivism. It begins with an unknown character, who after taking a break from running up a long never-ending staircase (title sequence & establishing shot), continues running up until he gets to a gigantic tower. The reason of his running is unknown and irrelevant since this is a dream. The whole story is seen from his P.O.V. until the last scene. After, he reaches the tower, he enters, takes a second to admire the architecture an keeps going up the stairs. At the top, he is hypnotized by a shining fountain that gives off a mysterious light. He finally drinks from the fountain and is transformed into a statue at which point the camera switches from his P.O.V. to a low angle. We see him for a quick second, mainly focusing on his shadow which becomes still as the character is petrified and then we fade out. The ending is open ended.

Thank you for checking this out and let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Nice! Very detailed and stylized. And love how your sketches look like blueprints.

Earguy said...

Impressive! Great concept. Where does this suddenly come from, or is this related to the real puppet in 3D environment animation?

Your coffee machine grew (back) into a tower :)

Which six frames do you intend to create for ARIL 360? All of these panels except 1 and 8?