Saturday, October 6, 2012

Browsing Vimeo

This one in for Claire:

This one is for those of who like robots but still prefer 2D:


Ginette said...

That tree creature animation is beautiful. The textures and the lighting were amazing. Was the figure placed into a real environment? Or was that all rendered? Intense!

Also, these are pictures, not words. I swear I'm not a robot!!!!

Ginette said...

That tree creature animation is beautiful. The textures and the lighting were amazing. Was the figure placed into a real environment? Or was that all rendered? Intense!

Also, these are pictures, not words. I swear I'm not a robot!!!!

Earguy said...

Hmm, the same comment showing up twice... You must be a robot!

Yes, the forest environment looks real to me with the flying lights and creature composited in. They took good care making the lights actually seeming light the environment!