Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This is a real post, Loorin. Loves.

Cubic tragedy

Clik Clak -noises are great!

Sigg Jones -Agent vs. Wrestler and sports drink. Shoes required.

Terres Conscientes
- Living rocks...

Le Petit Chaperone Rouge- My French is bad.

1 comment:

Earguy said...

Again, some great animation from France! Not that I get them all. Well I can follow the stories but for some the question remains: why?

That last title is just French for "Little Red Riding Hood" or "Roodkapje". Though the oldest known version seems to be French so it is actually the other way around. When I saw the post I thought it was a bit of word play, "Chaperone" meaning what it means in English. But it's "Chaperon" actually, for hood. No, "In da Hood" does not translate as "Dans le Chaperon". :)